Laduree France, Le Panier Seattle


Something I constantly dream about!
When I was in Japan one of my main goals was to continue my macaron quest! I went to Ladurée in Japan and was ... Extremely disappointed... A dessert I constantly dream of tasted nothing like, what it was described to me.....
So what's up with the pic? My cousin is ?% French! She recently came have from France and most graciously brought me a box of macarons! ~*tear*~
no one in my family thought that maybe they should of called me to let me know such treasue was at my house! Because the day I went home they were a day expired.....(shelf life between hours to 3days) so I knew what to expect...
I was super surprised to find even 1day expired, it was almost as described in papers. They were far more delicious then their Japan branch!! It was completely different! (expired macaron is either dried out crunchy or soggy mush inside because of filling) even though some were soggy it still was slightly crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside!

Le Panier

One of my longest time friend recently had a day trip to Seattle! I'm sure you can guess what she brought back!! She discovered hidden away inside "The Market" among many Italian stores a bakery, with a extremely long line up!
Did you know...
The Macaron cookie was born in Italy, introduced by the chef of Catherine de Medicis in 1533 at the time of her marriage to the Duc d'Orleans who became king of France in 1547 as Henry II.

Even though they were a day old .. It was pretty good! I say only "pretty good" because they are a day old, I imagine the fresh ones would have been even more amazing!



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